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Guidelines To Follow Before Buying And Administering Advair

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By Author: canadadrugs
Total Articles: 2074
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Advair is a drug used to prevent asthma attacks, flare-ups or worsening of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is associated with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Its generic name is fluticasone and salmeterol. The fluticasone found in this drug is a steroid and salmeterol is a bronchodilator. The salmeterol works by relaxing muscles in the airways. Doctors recommend this medicine as it prevents releasing of those substances in the body which are responsible for inflammation.

It is important to understand that the excessive usage of this FDA approved drug may cause some severe harm. Therefore, the patient should buy Advair only when his/her healthcare provider prescribed him. The patient should not administer the drug more than the prescribed dosage. The drug should be taken with or without food along with water. Make it a habit to take same time every day for getting desired benefits. Avoid taking its over dosage as it may lead to serious consequences. It is strictly advised that do not increase or decrease its dosage unless and until doctor recommends so.

The patient should consult physician ...
... about his/her individual risks and benefits while using this medicine.

Instructions to follow before administering Advair:

The doctor must know if the patient is suffering with any health conditions before recommending Advair to him. If the patient is having a food or drug allergy, heart disease, seizure disorders, any infection, weak immune system, high blood pressure problems, diabetes, glaucoma, tuberculosis, liver disease, osteoporosis and thyroid disorder, then he/she should tell his/her doctor before administering this drug. Those who are allergic to fluticasone (Flonase, Flovent), salmeterol (Serevent) or having an asthma attack or severe COPD symptoms must consult the doctor before taking this drug.

The usage of this medication by a pregnant lady is uncertain since it is unknown that whether this drug will harm an unborn baby or not. It is advised to consult the health care provider before administering the drug especially if the patient is pregnant or is expected to be. It is also unknown whether the fluticasone and salmeterol, major constituents of this medicine, pass into the breast milk and so may harm the newly born baby. Every breast-feeding lady should consult doctor before taking it as it may affect the growth of the children. It is a medicine that should not be given to a child younger than 4 years.

Buying Advair is no more remained a herculean task as several online Canada based pharmacies are selling this medication at affordable price range.

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