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Back Pain And Motorcycling

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For those persons who ride it is easy to understand why there is a definite link between riding and back pain. The two main causes are the vibration produced by the motorcycle and the riders posture while traveling. Most serious riders are frequently plagued with lower and upper back pain, as well as neck and shoulder pains.

How to Minimize Back Pain Caused from Motorcycling

There are quite a few things that riders can do to help reduce the back pain they experience. Some of these methods include:

• Strengthening the back muscles with exercise.
• Taking breaks from riding where possible. When riding for long distances, an occasional break is helpful. Some experts recommend a break every 30 or so minutes if possible, others suggest after every 70 miles. Walk around and do some simple stretches to relax the muscles and get your circulation going.
• Relaxing your grip on the handles is also helpful. A lighter grip minimizes the strain on back muscles.
• In cases of chronic pain it may be necessary to stop motorcycling or ride only ...
... for short distances.

For many riders the link between their back pain and motorcycling is greatly reduced once they improve their posture. Leaning too far forward to reach the handles can put tremendous strain on back and neck muscles. A straighter back while riding means less strain and a lower likelihood of back pain. There are adjustments that can be made to get controls closer to the rider. This will minimize the need for hunching over.

Riders should buy the ideal motorcycle to suit their physical dimensions. If this is not possible, then explore the option of making adjustments that will make the bike comfortable. Test ride the bike to get a feel for the fit between you and the machine.

Keeping hydrated, especially when going for long rides is a good idea. Your breaks can be used to get a drink of water or other fluid. Staying hydrated keeps muscles supple and less susceptible to strain.

If back pain from riding is persistent and bad, sometimes it makes sense to see a chiropractor or a physical therapist. Persons trained in back pain and injuries can sometimes help with exercises and other pain treatment to alleviate severe discomfort.

It is also important that motorcycles are kept in good working condition. Some parts like shocks control the extent of vibration experienced while riding. These reduce the pressure placed on the body while riding.

Talking to fellow motorcycling enthusiasts could provide a number of tips that work wonders. There are lots of forums and groups online for motorcyclists. Join and few and read available postings or ask questions.

Back pain and motorcycling dont have to be inevitably linked. There are many who enjoy this is as a strictly recreational activity. For others it is a means of making a living. For these persons especially, quitting motorcycling altogether is not the ideal option.

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