Here's the recent articles submitted by may tan
Articles By may tan
The Perfect Wedding Ring Sets
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
The wedding ring is perhaps the single most important piece of jewelry that you will give to your spouse in your lifetime. It is important that you choose a timeless ring that will not become outdated or unstylish after a length of time. Men and women have different options available to them when choosing a wedding ring and it is not required that they choose matching rings. The couple traditionally picks out their rings together so there is no need for either the bride or groom to become unnecessarily stressed out about choosing the perfect wedding ring. Choosing the rings together takes a great deal of pressure off of the couple because they do not have to worry that their spouse may not like the ring that is expected to last for their entire lifetime.(read
entire article)
View : 259 Times
Category : Family
A Colon Cleanse Starts Off A Healthy Lifestyle
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
Colon cleanses are marketed as being the answer to toxins invading your body on a daily basis. Citing the toxins that surround us on a daily basis and pointing an accusing finger at the fast food industry and the prepackaged meals that rely on overly processed foods, refined sugar, and fat and salt to make them palatable, proponents argue that that a colon cleanse done annually is a requirement for healthy living.(read
entire article)
View : 262 Times
Category : Fitness
Alleviate Excessive Sweating With Colon Cleanses
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
What does a colon cleanse have to do with getting rid of your excessive sweating problem, you might ask? Everything! Sure, the areas where you sweat, probably underneath your arms and perhaps your back, are far removed from your colon and thus it appears unlikely that something as far removed as your colon will somehow affect the way your armpits feel. Yet this is fallacious thinking in that it entirely negates the fact that bodily functions and the internal workings of the human body are intricately interconnected.(read
entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Fitness
Athletes Must Beware Of Colon Cleanses And Fad Diets
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
Athletes are thought to get away with a multitude of nutritional sins. After all, what harm will it do to the track star to indulge in a fast food meal deal that will directly make it to your hips and thighs? Yet the reality is very different, and anyone who is an athlete or knows one is well aware that far too many are putting their lives at risk day in and day out with colon cleanses, body cleanses, liver detox regimens, and fad diets that claim to help build muscle and reduce overall body fat.(read
entire article)
View : 281 Times
Category : Fitness
Beware The Sodium Phosphate Colon Cleanse
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
Whenever a physician may prescribe a colonoscopy, you know that you will need to cleanse your colon so that the doctor will have an unobstructed view of your gastrointestinal tract. Many of the colon cleansers that were suggested to patients prior to these procedures contained sodium phosphate – usually monosodium phosphate also known as NaH2PO4 – because of its ability to act as a laxative that quickly cleans out the intestines. For this reason it is not surprising that soon the commercially available colon cleansing kits for use by those who wanted to detoxify their colons for health purposes and not just in preparation of tests were also containing that ingredient.(read
entire article)
View : 286 Times
Category : Fitness
Real Dangers Of Dieting
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
People seem to jump in and out of diets at a whim. Even people who are not overweight go on diets for some unknown reason. When one person loses a little weight on a diet everyone around that person wants to try the same diet. They will stick with this diet for a couple days or a week and then go back to normal eating and behaviors until the next diet comes around. Some people start a new diet every Monday only to be off the diet by Tuesday or Wednesday. The problem with this crazy way of eating is that there are some very real dangers of dieting and the different fad diets that become popular.(read
entire article)
View : 276 Times
Category : Fitness
How To Apply Acne Treatment Products
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
Dirt does not cause acne. That is one of the very basic concepts that most acne sufferers need to accept. Keeping the face clean will help to make acne outbreaks happen less frequently and be less severe when they do happen but the fact that your face gets dirty is not the cause of acne.(read
entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Fitness
What Causes Acne?
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
Many people think they know what causes acne, the inflammation of skin pores that results in problems such as blackheads, whiteheads or pimples, primarily in teenagers. There are a lot of misconceptions about acne though. Officially common acne is known as acne vulgaris. And in explaining it, the answer becomes bit complicated. Acne is an inflamed disease of the skin, and it has many causes, one of which is bacteria in the pores of the skin. The body in many ways becomes allergic to this type of bacteria. This attracts while blood cells to fight the allergy, and the pores become blocked. Oil secretions will build up and provide a breeding ground for even more bacteria. Then pimples will form. These red bumps resemble small boils, which fill with a nasty puss caused by the body fighting the infection of the bacteria..(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Fitness
Actions To Avoid When Clearing Up Acne
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
There are many good and bad points to keep in mind when clearing up acne. Most of the good tips are usually a matter of common sense. Eat right, exercise, take vitamins and keep fit. Your immune system will fight off acne if you keep it strong. If you use medication, either prescription or over the counter, follow the directions you are given. Stay out of the sun. Use proper hygiene.(read
entire article)
View : 305 Times
Category : Fitness
Alternative Therapies For Acne
Submitted as: Jamie Yeo
Zits, pimples, blemishes, breakouts—whatever you call it, acne can be a challenging condition that can be difficult to treat. Acne is very common, with an estimated 80% of all people worldwide expected to suffer from some sort of acne in their lifetime. For those who suffer from the occasional zit, acne is a transient annoyance that is not of much concern most of the time. For others, acne is a daily obsession that can make a serious impact on a person's self-esteem and overall psychological health.(read
entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Fitness