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Part-time Job Options
A part time job is an excellent way of spending one's extra time as well as earning some extra income. Most people have part time jobs because they need to supplement their insufficient income from their day job. This insufficiency is not surprising at all with the inflation and the rising cost of living these days. Some may do part time work because they enjoy that particular kind of work. Others have dreams of making it rich. Whatever the reasons may be, part time jobs are there to those who need them.
Part time jobs can be quite lucrative. Direct sales or direct marketing companies employ many part-timers. There are housewives, teachers, students, laborers and anyone who have the time and energy to go around pushing the products. These organization sell mainly consumer products like toiletries, cosmetics, casual wear and others. The employees get paid on a commission for the amount of products sold. The more you sell, the more money you will make.
Another popular part time job is selling insurance and credit cards. Whoever with a fast tongue and articulated in speech together with an amiable personality will ...
... do well in this line. Selling insurance is not like selling any ordinary items. Instead of tangible goods, the customer is given a promise of security for the future. It is difficult to convince someone to part with his money for such an intangible thing as security. One needs to be really persistence and never give up easily.
Now, selling and dealing with customers is not for everyone. There are people who are extremely shy and cannot converse with a stranger without blushing. It would be better off doing a job that demands the minimum of interaction with strangers.
Working as a temporary clerk is probably suitable for an introvert. There are jobs like that available almost daily. There are also online jobs where one can work from home with the computer, such as writing, data entry etc. All you need to do is to refer to the classified ads of a newspaper or job hunting websites to find them.
For the more physical type of person, there is always jobs available at construction firms. The pay is pretty good even for a no-experience laborer. Although the work is tough, it is rewarding for anyone intends to get into the construction field.
A less demanding form of part-time would be a counter sales-clerk or a cashier in one of those supermarkets or shopping malls. Unlike direct selling, there is not much need to convince a customer, the customers are ready to buy, one just need to help the customer along.
There are also other part time jobs such as baby-sitting, washing cars and so on. Also the demand for tutors are ever increasing among well-to-do families. It can be worthwhile to find out about such opportunities in various housing areas. Teaching little kids about simple things like writing and arithmetic cannot be too tough. A bit of patience is all that is needed.
Whatever part time jobs one may do, the working experience is invaluable. This is especially true for students who will leave school one day and take up permanent jobs.
Apart from writing, Fred also enjoy building websites on subjects that he's passionate about such as Kettler Table Tennis. Come visit for more information.
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