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The Ever Changing Structure Of South Korea

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By Author: jhon tony
Total Articles: 329
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One of the greatest success stories of the economic world has to be South Korea. It is the only country other than Taiwan that has had a 5% increase in their growth for five consecutive decades. This kind of achievement is all down to macro-engineering, just sheer hard work and business practices that are sound and also the size of the population. Economists reckon that South Korea will end up being on a par with Japan with all the prosperity it has been having and the business etiquette.

There is a similarity between Japan and South Korea and that is that they are both societies that are intense conformists. But the one thing they do differ in is Japan will go back towards what it already knows and familiarity and comfort whereas South Korea will change, rebuild itself and move forward. If they find that things are not working then they will change it and this has become something that they are very good at and they do it quickly and effectively. You are able to see exactly this after the crisis the 1990s which hit Asia, the problem is that while South Korea improved Japan and it's business etiquette Japan did not and ...
... is still recovering.

Something else that South Korea has been able to do is reinvent itself as the epicentre of Asian culture, with its increase in Korean pop music or k-pop as it is also known, it has had success over most of the continent even TV dramas that are Korean have become successful and watched as far as Tokyo to Beijing. Something else that is popular throughout Asia are the South Korean films but they do not seem so popular in India and business etiquette India and it is just from seeing what is going on within South Korea that you can see why their cultural influence is growing.

But there is nothing to say that South Korea isn't facing changes that are significant. With China on the rise of it's political, military influence and cultural influence other Asian countries are having to wrestle with it and the business etiquette China. In Seoul the politicians present a dilemma though of how to deal with North Korea and the fact that they are communist. South Korea is seeing competition increase from competitors that have much lower wages so it will need to become flexible and have the tenacity to stay out one step of the game.

But after saying all of this being able to do business in South Korea will be a challenge and the way in which South Korea does it's business is very alien to many other countries and the same with their business etiquette Germany, so other than Japan this is something that sticks out when doing business with South Korea. Most of the companies that are in Korea are run very regimented and to save face is more important than any other country in Asia. Being able to deal in business and understand how the Koreans think is the only way to be able to truly create business opportunities with Korean contacts and capitalise on them. If you learn all about their business culture and their business etiquette South Korea you will find that the rewards will come your way.

Find more information relating to Business etiquette India, and Business etiquette Japan here.

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