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Motorola Atrix Is A Performer In All Areas

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By Author: Jason Pertwee
Total Articles: 45
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The Motorola Atrix is one of the highest powered smartphones set for release, and is realistically a cross between a standard smartphone and a fully-fledged computer. The Atrix is one of the first dual core smartphones and, in markets where it is supported, is also one of the first phones to support 4G connections. But the Atrix's main computing power comes from its peripheral devices, allowing you to transform the smartphone into a multimedia hub and a netbook.
You can insert the Atrix into the laptop dock to be provided with a full laptop experience, complete with a full keyboard and it even comes with its own operating system ā€“ WebTop. This includes a task manager and multitasking as well as support for full desktop programs like Mozilla Firefox. Once the Atrix is taken out of the laptop dock, the dock just becomes an empty shell as all of its processing power comes from the smartphone itself.
When operated as a phone the Atrix runs on Google Android with Motorola promising an update to Android Gingerbread sometime after release. The phone also comes with Motorola's Motoblur interface that is renowned for having ...
... excellent support for social networking sites like Facebook.
The Atrix features a truly gorgeous 4" TFT screen that comes with a higher than standard 540 x 960 resolution and multitouch support. The Atrix even includes its own biometric fingerprint reader so that you can be sure that no one can gain access to your phone without your finger in their possession.
The phone has a great range of connectivity options on offer including 4G (where available), 3G and DLNA enabled Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi, along with the HDMI port, allows you to stream video content from the Atrix to your home TV to enjoy on a larger screen. The Atrix supports YouTube and streaming video online, as well as the playback of HD videos. The 5 megapixel camera on board can record 720p HD videos and, through a future update, will be able to record 1080p videos as well.
On top of all the excellent multimedia and entertainment features that the Atrix comes with it will also be fantastic for web browsing and messaging. Threaded SMS is supported, along with email and instant messaging and, as mentioned, excellent integration for social networks. The Atrix comes with fantastic support for web browsing as well, which is another area of the phone that is put to good use by the excellent camera on board.
The Atrix is set to be one of the most high powered phones to see release in 2011, and trumps rival handsets like the LG Optimus 2X by having a lot more on offer than just dual core processors. The Atrix is one of the first phones to come with 4G support and is truly revolutionary for its additional docking ports, a feature that is not available on any other smartphone. The Atrix is a performer in all areas of smartphone use that counts, being excellent for multimedia, entertainment, web browsing or just general messaging.

You can find the best Motorola ATRIX and Motorola XOOM contracts from Best Mobile Contracts

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