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7 Effective High Blood Pressure Remedies To Control Bp Naturally

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By Author: Dr Easton Patrick
Total Articles: 531
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High Blood Pressure is a condition in which the force of blood against the walls of the artery is too strong. It is known as the silent killer because it shows its symptoms only when it is too high. The problem of BP can be treated properly as if it is left untreated it may cause heart attacks, kidney failure, strokes, injury to the brain and eyes. In normal condition, the reading of the BP is 120/80. When the reading of the BP goes above 140/90, then it indicates the problem of High BP. This problem is also known as hypertension and it must be treated carefully as it is a life threatening disease. High BP is measured with an instrument known as sphygmomanometer. It is measured in millimeters of mercury.

Some of the important symptoms of high BP are given below

1. Red eyes
2. Feeling of burning sensations
3. Vertigo and dizziness
4. Pain in the region of the heart
5. Pain at the back of the head and neck
6. Nausea and vomiting sensations
7. Excessive sweetening

Some of the major causes of High BP are

1. Intake of high fat diet.
2. Excessive intake of common ...
... salt in diet.
3. Stress and busy lifestyle.
4. Hardening of the arteries.
5. Diseases like diabetes and obesity.
6. Excessive intake of coffee, tea and refined foods.
7. Excess smoking and drinking of alcohol.

The problem of high blood pressure can be easily treated with the help of natural remedies. Some of the important natural remedies

1. For high blood pressure, lemon juice is very beneficial.

2. Try to eat dry and roasted seeds of watermelon as it is very effective in treatment of high blood pressure.

3. For the natural treatment of high blood pressure, grapefruit is also effective.

4. Make a mixture by mixing 2 parts of orange juice with 1 part of coconut water. It is beneficial to drink one or a half cup of this juice at least twice or thrice a day.

5. Make a mixture by boiling 5-6 leaves of olive in a cup of water for five minutes. Take this juice three times a day. It is an effective natural remedy for high blood pressure.

6. Intake of potatoes with their skin is also beneficial for the treatment of high blood pressure.

7. Herbal formulations like Stresx capsules work effectively in maintaining healthy BP and act as a complete heart tonic.

You must also follow to take low salt diet, sunflower oil in cooking, eat fiber rich foods, whole grain, fruits and vegetables and also avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

Find effective High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment. Also know Natural Acne Treatment. Read about Kidney Stone Herbal Treatment.

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