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10 Golden Secrets To Cure Acne Naturally And Permanently

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By Author: Dr Easton Patrick
Total Articles: 531
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For many people, the problem of acne is cumbersome skin problem. Acne is related with the group of skin problems. It is a collection of blackheads, white heads, papules and cysts. All these problems come under a common nomenclature, which is called acne. There are many causes of pimples or acne. Some of its important causes

1. Sometime pimples may occur due to heredity also.

2. Chances of pimples are increased due to imbalance in hormones during puberty and pregnancy.

3. Sometimes over washing of face also stimulate the oil glands and results in the formation of pimple.

4. Some medications like birth control pills and some other medications also result into pimples.

5. Sometimes in many cases due to excessive make-up or due to application of some chemical on face may destroy its natural moisture. To compensate the loss, there is an over-secretion of sebum. Due to this reason there may be the formation of pimples. So it is advisable to use hypo-allergic or non-greasy cosmetics.

6. Sometimes due to faulty metabolism, our liver gets overloaded with toxins and these toxins often escape through ...
... skin resulting into pimples.

The problems of pimples and acne can be treated by various methods. Some of the natural and permanent treatment for pimple or acne

1. If you apply lemon juice on your pimples then its size will be reduced.

2. Sound sleep is also necessary and effective for the treatment of pimples and acne, so you must sleep at least for 7-8 hours.

3. Squeezing of pimples must be avoided as it may lead to scarring.

4. Intake of plenty of water is advisable as it flush out toxins and thus keeps our system clean.

5. Intake of balanced and healthy diet is advisable. Especially the diet rich in zinc, chromium, beta-carotene are effective and helpful in healing of acne or pimples. They are also effective in checking the reappearance of pimples.

6. Consumption of garlic is very effective in the permanent treatment of pimples as it is helpful and effective in purifying the blood. Due to purification of blood, occurrence of pimples is reduced. Even rubbing garlic on the pimples is also very effective.

7. You can also apply cucumber juice on your pimples or acne. It is an effective and an excellent treatment for curing pimples or acne.

8. Bathing with Epsom salt, at least once a week can eradicate your pimples.

9. Keep your digestion healthy and avoid constipation. Unhealthy digestive system results in toxin deposition in the body which can contribute to acne and other skin problems. If you are suffering from constipation, you can take triphala as a natural remedy to cleanse your internal body system.

10. You can take Golden Glow capsules which is the best way to maintain healthy skin condition and to prevent and cure pimples and blemishes.

Find effective Natural Acne Treatment. Also know High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment. Read about Kidney Stone Herbal Treatment.

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