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The Double Standard Of Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been in practice for many years now and many people both doctors and patients are resorting to it to deal with many types of problems affecting their lives. Acupuncture is an ancient part of traditional Chinese medicine and today many often specialize in the treatment of spine and shoulder injury by use of acupuncture. It requires the acupuncturists to be trained and hold a license as per the requirements of laws in the state where they are practicing.
Proper training will take a number of years as well as a number of sessions to give the doctor the necessary skills required to deal with simple, complex and chronic conditions with the acupuncture skills. The doctors should receive undergo proper training in the various sectors such as diagnosis of various conditions as well as the strategies used in the planning of the treatment. They also require hands-on experience as well as needling instructions to ensure that they have gained the necessary skills.
The training also enlightens the potential acupuncturists on the various Chinese herbs and their healing capabilities and the type of conditions ...
... that can be treated using acupuncture. The training is very important as it enables the acupuncturists understand the complex workings of this complex Chinese treatment that has been in practice for thousands of years.
In the state of Oregon and many others there are many doctors who are performing acupuncture without any proper medical training in the field. Many acupuncturists are complaining of this fact since they know how detailed the course is and this is not covered by some of the medical acupuncture course. These courses are usually simple and do not contain adequate time for the trainees to gain the necessary skills when it cones to diagnosis, development of treatment plan as well as analyzing other features of the patient before they start on the treatment.
With these double standards, many licensed acupuncturists are calling for a change in the treatment of doctors so that they will all be held with the same standards no matter the type of specialization they have chosen. The people need to be protected from these physicians who are not licensed so that the acupuncture is done safely and with competence. Since the acupuncture procedure is complex in nature, the laws need to be changed because only those who have received proper training and have obtained a license can perform it competently and with safety in mind and it will also be easy for other physicians to refer patients to licensed acupuncturists.
To learn more about Chinese medicine and medical acupuncture treatments, visit our website. Also browse around other places to learn the benefits of acupuncture and how it can help you.
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