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Unleashing The Mystery Behind 'google Slap'

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"Google slap."? Well, if you are an advertiser, you must have had read about it or heard about somebody getting it, in your network or circle. Google slap states two things- a sudden fall of your your ad's position in search engine results and secondly, your AdWords account get disabled. The reason behind getting Google slapped is having Ads or your associated landing pages of poor quality. If in case you have been slapped for the former reason, you are required to pay extra for your ad to appear at the position of your choice. Naturally, both the outcomes are disturbing and who wants to pay extra bucks for a job that can be done ion a small amount.

Hence, making an efficient and error-free pay-per-click campaign is what one should emphasize on. Let us now take into consideration a few very efficient points ensuring that Google would not "slap" your account:

Add keywords in your Ad: No keywords in an ad means, no users clicking on to your ad since your ad would not seem much relevant to the query your users entered into Google. Naturally, this will adversely affect your click-through rate (CTR), ...
... signaling Google about your incompetence of providing what your users want.

Optimize your Landing Page: Having keywords in your headline, body, meta tag and adding clear calls to action, simplify your page and make it as relevant to your users as possible unless Google will get all the valid reason to slapping.

Quick loading of your landing page: Google has all the rights to penalize AdWords advertisers having landing pages taking a period to load since that delay could be an inconvenience to users. Hence make your landing page get loaded quickly. For this purpose, you can choose to abridge your page's size by compressing your images, eradicating popup ads, and not having videos that play automatically.

Make sure your landing page is safe for users. In other words, make sure that it isn't sending viruses to users' computers. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you may be sending out viruses without even realizing it. Maybe the software you're offering actually harms computers using a particular Internet browser, or someone hacked your account overnight. Test your landing pages frequently, and with different browsers, to ensure they are secure.

Eliminate misleading content from your landing page: Your landing page should not have options of fake free service or free downloading. Lying to your users is what Google detests the most.

Don't flood it with reciprocal, broken, and low-quality links. Keep links that are relevant to your website. Irrelevant links should not take space on your landing page since it not misleads the user but also wastes his or her time in opening and checking out something that is not of his use.

About the Author: BrainPulse SEO Company offers PPC Management Services and can help you put together a website in case you are looking at outsourcing this work.

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