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10 Fresh Ezine Publishing Tips To Maximize Your Success

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By Author: Ken Hill
Total Articles: 65
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1. Archive your issues or offer a sample issue.

You'll be able to get more of your visitors that are on the "fence" to join your ezine, giving you a bigger list to market your products to.

You'll also be able to get more new advertisers as many of your visitors will check out the kinds of ads you run, how many ads are published in each issue, and so forth before they purchase ads from you.

2. Promote your ezine in your sig file.

You'll be able to get your visitors, colleagues and email contacts to sign up for your ezine.

You'll also be able get more subscribers when you post your tips and advice to discussion lists and forums that you're a member of.

3. Publish your ezine in RSS.

You'll increase your readership and sales by bypassing all the email filters.

You'll also be able to make your ezine's copy more effective because you'll be able to use all the forbidden words such as "free" without worrying about your ezine getting blocked.

Tip: You can create as many RSS lists as you'd like at
... br />4. Offer a bonus for subscribing.

Increase the value your visitors place on your bonus by telling them how much it would be worth if you were to charge for it.

For example, a $19.00 value.

5. Treat your readers to "subscriber only" sales and discounts.

For instance, you could run a 2 for 1 sale on advertising in your ezine, or you could offer a limited discount on your product.

6. Let your readers know more about you.

An easy way to accomplish this is to include a publisher's note in all your issues.

You'll be able to not only share more about yourself, but you'll also be able to tactfully promote your business or special offers to your readers.

7. Write articles.

Post your articles on your site and submit them to article announcement lists and directories.

Also create an email or RSS list that announces when you've written a new article to ensure that your articles are published on a regular basis by webmasters and ezine publishers that enjoy them.

8. Do an ad swap.

You'll create a win-win situation as both you and the other publisher will get valuable promotion of your ezines at no cost.

9. Swap recommendations.

Use your thank you page to do your recommendation swap, or recommend the other ezine within your publisher's note in exchange for her recommendation of you to her readers.

10. Keep up a regular publishing schedule.

Many new ezine publishers don't realize the amount of work it takes to put out a quality ezine.

If you're just starting out, try out a monthly schedule first, and then as you see how much work your ezine entails, you can switch to a biweekly or weekly schedule.
About the Author Ken Hill is the webmaster at http://www.ezinepublishers.net
Visit him today to get more unique articles and resources that will help you to get started publishing your own
successful ezine.

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