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10 Effective Ways To Gain More New Ezine Subscribers

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By Author: Ken Hill
Total Articles: 65
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1. Swap ads with other ezine publishers. Swap sponsor, feature, classified or solo ads with publishers who have subscribers targeted to be interested in what your ezine covers.This will provide both you and the other publisher with a terrific way to get more subscriptions at no cost.When choosing ezines to swap ads with, pick ezines that offer content that your new subscribers would be interested in, but not ezines that compete directly with you.2. Write articles. Your articles will give you a powerful way to get more new subscribers through your resource box at the end of your articles.Submit your articles to article directories, article announcement lists and also to ezine publishers looking for articles to run in their ezines.You could also create a list that announces when you've written a new article or articles to get more publishers to run your articles on a regular basis.3. Create an ebook compilation of your articles and use it as a bonus for subscribing to your publication. Multiply the number of subscriptions you get from your ebook by letting other ezine publishers use it as a bonus for subscribing to their ...
... ezines.You can also let people rebrand your ebook with a link to their site or ezine to get more people to offer your ebook as a bonus or on their sites.4. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers. You could recommend another publisher's ezine in your own words to your subscriber base in exchange for her doing the same for you.You could also run a recommended ezines section in each issue or recommend other publishers' ezines on your "thank you" page or in your welcome message in exchange for the same to get long term promotion of your ezine.5. Submit your ezine to ezine directories.Your submissions will get your ezine noticed by people interested in the topic your ezine covers. Submitting your ezine to ezine directories can also help you find more advertisers for your ezine and also other publishers who would like to participate in joint ventures with you. 6. Use ezine announcement lists to promote your ezine.Many ezine announcement lists allow you to post ads for your ezine on a weekly or monthly basis giving you an easy way to successfully promote your ezine on an ongoing basis.7. Make a sample issue available on your site or by autoresponder. Your sample issue will increase your subscriptions by providing your visitors with a taste of the quality content to be found in your ezine.8. Use your signature file to promote your ezine. Add a signature file that promotes your ezine to your outgoing emails and also to your posts to discussion lists or online forums.9. Purchase advertising in other ezines. Run your ad in ezines that you enjoy and reach your target audience or search ezine directories for ezines that offer good advertising rates. Place your ad for at least three issues in a row as repetition will help you get the most new subscribers from your ads.10. Place f~ree ads in other ezines. Many ezine publishers allow their subscribers to place a f~ree ad on a weekly, monthly or per issue basis as a benefit to subscribing to their publications.Track your f~ree ads so that you'll know which ad copy produces the greatest results and which ezines would be good choices to pay for advertising in or swap ads with. About The Author
Article by writer, Ken Hill. Do You Publish an Ezine? Want more subscribers? Put your ezine promotion on autopilot with this must have ezine promotional tool. Over 1600+ places to promote your ezine. Find out more now at: http://netpromarketer.com/ea.html

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