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Interesting Foxnft Launches Interesting Nfts

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By Author: Fuio Pongg
Total Articles: 7
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This year netizens witnessed the thrive of NFT projects through many news reports. Big brands like LV and NBA all released their own NFT games. The art work Everydays: The First 5,000 Days was sold at nearly 70 million dollars at this March. Other products like music pieces, avatars and even one tweet could be minted into NFTs at a high price. That was exactly the most interesting point. Everything in this world could be made into an NFT product.

Talking about so much about NFT, what on earth is that? From its name, we know NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Other tokens like BTC or ETH are fungible, which means each cryptocurrency has no difference between each other, just like real notes in the world. On the contrary, each NFT product has the unique mark that cannot be exchanged.

The time when people started to notice this concept was because of the game of CryptoKitties released in 2017. Among them, the highest price reached about 246.95 Btc, which equaled to 118 thousand dollars at that time.

With the development of this market, recent projects lacks some innovation. The quality as well as ...
... the credits of these products varies with each other. So many cases were there that companies launched their NFTs only for making profits in a short period of time. Others may want to improve the quality, but they struggled to make differences.

So come back to FoxNFT, what is the specialty of them? What products have they made to let others think interesting of this platform?

We can have a look at their project of ten brand girls. Those images are created in the way moe anthropomorphism voted by users they love. To be honest I like those cute images very much.

Those brand girls NFT can also used for mining. Users can keep them for more benefits. Otherwise they can also simply burn them to exchange for FOX. Such system ensured the scarcity of these products as it controlled the number of NFTs existing in the market.

This platform is going to conduct something new soon. As the first step they opened the secondary market, which enables others to purchase and sell NFTs at their wills. Then FoxNFT will launch their new project of BuzzyBee, the treasure brand of New Zealand. In order to better promote this digital branding assets, they even invited artists to repaint the real toy in a specific style. Though examples are not released out all, taking a glance of this project could already raise people’s curiosity.

For NFT projects, as ordinary people we generally don’t pay much attention to how advanced the blockchain technology of the project is. Generally speaking, the technical aspects have already been developed so seldom would believe a critical breakthrough in this field. Now the main concern is whether the project is fun and reliable, and whether it can make money. So far, FoxNFT.io has done a very good job in the market. The team is quite generous, and the products are really interesting. With historical background and brand endorsements, I think it is worth paying attention to.

Website: http://www.foxnft.io
Discord: https://discord.gg/x2G8snrcrz
Telegram: https://t.me/foxnft2021
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FOXNFT2021
Medium: https://foxnft.medium.com

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