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Remedies For Treating Alopecia

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By Author: Mike Epstain
Total Articles: 130
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Alopecia is one of the common hair disorders which results in unpredicted hair fall and hair loss. A sudden hair loss occurs with one or more round patches. This hair disorder occurs when the immune system unexpectedly falls upon the hair follicles. For most people the round hair patches are nothing more than a few patches but in some cases, it can be excessive. Sometimes it goes up to a complete hair loss even though it can go up to an extent that the entire body’s hair falls.
This particular disorder can affect anyone regardless of gender age, but in most cases it occurs before the age of 30. There is a different type of Alopecia that are commonly found among the people, those are
1.Alopecia areata-
Alopecia areata is a kind of disorder where one or more coin-sized patches occur in the scalp or it can occur in other places of the body where hair grows. This condition may lead to either a complete hair loss of the scalp or it can even lead to an ultimate hair loss in the entire body.
2.Androgenic Alopecia:
This is one of the most common Alopecias that affects both men and women. It is also known ...
... as male pattern baldness, this causes hair fall or thinning of hair on the head’s crown or in the hairline that shrinks from the temples. But the U shaped hair pattern around the back and sides of the head basically stays or even it may keep falling out and that leads to a complete hair loss as time passes.
3.Alopecia Universalis-
This is an advanced Alopecia and it causes a complete hair loss all over the body. The consequences of this Alopecia is very dangerous, because of the complete hair loss the areas like nasal cavity, eyes, and scalp becomes exposed and in this case a special care is needed to take as the internal places are needed to guard against the external bodies like viruses, bacterias, extreme cold, scorching heat, and other harmful things.
4. Alopecia Totalis-This basically an autoimmune disorder where it causes a complete hair fall in the scalp. It is basically an intermediate condition between Alopecia areata and alopecia Universalis.
It is a type of Alopecia where the hair loss occurs in a wave-like shape around the head.
6.Traction Alopecia-
This is a condition which results from damage to the hair follicle and papilla form a continuous tension or pulling over a lengthy period of time
. This basically occurs in the people who put on tight braids particularly “cornrows” that result in pulling, high tension, and breakage of hair. It can also happen because of cosmetic surgery like face lifting.
7.Chignon Alopecia -
This type of Alopecia occurs in the crown of the head. It usually happens to those who shape or style them in a tight bundle for a very long time. This is very common in ballet dancers.
In this type of Alopecia, there is absolutely no hair growth and this occurs there where there was no growth of hair, to begin with.
9.Telogen Effluvium:
This type of Alopecia occurs when the hair follicles are pushed prematurely in the very initial phase of growth by stress or illness.
10.Lichen planopilaris -
This condition basically affects the mouth and skin and kit can cause irritation, redness and permanent hair loss in some of the cases.

Currently, there is no complete cure for Alopecia areata although there are some treatment procedures that can be suggested by the doctor to help hair to regrow. The most common form of Alopecia treatment is the usage of corticosteroids, strong anti-inflammatory drugs that can suppress the immune system of the body. These treatments are basically done through local injections, application of topical ointments or orally.
There are other medications that are prescribed that promoters hair growth or affects the immune system include, including Minoxidil, SADBE, and DPCP.
These treatments help the regrowth of hair but they cannot prevent the new patches to occur.
Some studies even support the usage of Photochemotherapy and present an alternative for patients unable or unwilling to use systemic or invasive therapies.
People with Alopecia problems do not have the protective qualities of hair so they may wish to,
1.Apply sunscreen if they are exposed to the sun.
2.Wear wraparound glasses to protect their eyes from the sun.
3.They use hats, wigs, and scarves to protect the affected area from the sun.
4.They even apply ointments to keep the inside of their nose moisturized.
Alopecia does make directly people sick and it is also not a contagious disease but it is difficult to adapt emotionally.For many people that hamper the emotional aspect of hair loss.
These hair disorders can cause emotional and psychological problems of the patients and they sometimes even need counseling. According to the doctors of hair clinics in the east bay area, this disease mostly hampers the patient’s psychology and it is very important to cure their insecurity that happens due to the disorder.
There are many non-surgical services are available in California and these services can help the hair to regrow and makes the process faster and they can also provide wig infused with the best quality human hair
There are some other ways that a person can do to regrow his hair:
1.Eating more protein-based food: As protein helps hair to grow faster a person can add more foods based on protein in his diet like eggs, fishes, beans.
2.Iron intake- Increasing iron intake can also help to grow hair faster, for that, a person can increase their iron consumption and they can add foods like lentils, oysters, pumpkin seeds, turkey.
3.Aromatherapy- According to some study aromatherapy stimulates hair growth. For this treatment, the aroma of lavender, rosemary, thyme are very helpful.
4.Massaging the scalp for increasing the blood flow- Massaging the scalp can actually help to stimulate the blood flow which encourages hair growth.
5.Pumpkin seed oil- Using pumpkin seed oil can stimulate hair growth.

Treatments are of course helpful for Alopecia but an ultimate cure for this disorder is not possible till now as the treatments can allow help to grow hair faster, the home remedies will be helpful for regrowth but it is better to consult a doctor for a disorder as a doctor can always help with a better way to fight with the hair problems.

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