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Life's Amazing Adventure Found In Great Kid's Books

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By Author: Mark Arens
Total Articles: 27
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Do you have an imagination? Ever wanted to captain a pirate ship? Or soar high among the clouds like a bird? Or how about exploring another galaxy far beyond our solar system? Great kids books can do this and more when placed in the hands of an inspiring child eager to explore his or her imagination.

I know that I did when I was a child. I can still recall to this day, (and it's been quite a long time mind you) of reading stories about jungles and castles. Flying on the back of a huge creature to an emerald city or adventuring deep into the heart of the Amazon jungle and finding a city made of gold. I would lock myself for hours in my room and begin the trek into the vast world of make believe by an author who truly understood the wonders of a good imagination.

Grown ups love to read and children are no different. Reading great kids books can bring about a sense of meaning or understanding to what is going on in the world. Preschool childrens books can be a wonderful way for children to learn, understand, to share feelings or concerns and even emotions. For a child, nothing can be as cozy as snuggling up in a ...
... warm blanket on a cold winters evening with a great kids book; or reading that one special book with Mom or Dad or even Grandma, or Grandpa.

Or maybe it's a warm and sunny summer afternoon and your child has found themselves sitting down next to a creek, their feet dangling in the crisp cool water as they read about a young boy hitching a ride on a Delta Queen. Regardless of what they are reading, the opportunities are unlimited and the stories they will get from each turn of the page will last forever.

Great kids books capture a child's imagination. It can take a child into a new world far from their everyday life and touch their mind with the gift of learning in a way that other media formats cannot. When parents open up a young mind through the wonders of preschool childrens books or through great kids books, then the opportunity for imagination, development and learning will begin to unfold in that child and enable him or her to expand beyond their reach in ways that we cannot even imagine.

This is the power of God's gift to us, through our creativity.

Jesus told many stories that are all recorded in the Bible. One of his most important lessons that we have learned from, or should, is the parable of the Good Samaritan. Think about that story and how it can relate to our nation today? With unemployment at an all time high, so many people out of work and hunger an ever pressing problem these days, placing a story such as one which teaches to love his or her neighbor regardless of the color of their skin or the language that they speak, giving a child a book that teaches them about helping those in need will not just have an impact on their lives, but it will eventually influence the lives they touch as they get older.

Let's face it, kids these days have so many issues to deal with. It can be frustrating for any parent or grandparent to deal with so many issues in a society that seems to keep losing its way. And to be honest, it's difficult, or it can be anyway, to entrust a child to many books or preschool childrens books that one might be unsure about what to give to their child. So what do we do as parents or uncles or grandparents? We do the research, or at least take a look at what is available and if the book has a spiritual appeal which incorporates traditional Christian values, you can be assured that you will find those particular books ideal when placing into the hands of a child whose mind is open to new ideas and meaningful teachings that reflect your own Christian values.

I have a two year old niece and she is a doll. Even at two she is alert and always running from one thing to the next as everything seems new to her, and of course it is. But I also noticed that during the late afternoon, she will casually walk over to her basket of preschool childrens books, many were supplied by myself and the many family members we have, and she will sit down and begin to look at everything, touching, feeling, laughing and of course yelling when she can't turn the pages fast enough. So what does that mean? Her mind is open and ready to learn.

The first few years of a child are the most important of any as their brains begin to develop more, their understanding starts to expand and their reasoning matches their logic skills.

But the most important thing is the fact that it is during this crucial time in their lives that they will learn morals and why it is so important to love others as they are loved. This is the place that they will find and this is where we as parents and Uncles and Grandparents can gather quietly with them and share the joy and the experiences they will discover all within the pages of a magical place and time - within great kids books.
Mark Arens, owner of ThumbPeople, Inc. & author of Thumbuddy Books & products wants to share with you simple tools and ideas of how to empower your family to live a great life! visit ThumbPeople>> http://www.great-kids-books.com

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