Here's the recent articles submitted by r. klettke
Articles By r. klettke
Paralysis And Premises Liability
By: r. klettke
The term “slip and fall” quite often is inadequate for conveying how serious injuries can happen in the most innocuous circumstances. It is quite possible for a loose step, casually placed electrical wires or poor stair railings to cause a fall that results in paralysis injuries. Such injuries can easily render a person unable to work and overwhelm them financially with medical expenses.(read
entire article)
View : 394 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Medical Malpractice And Expert Witnesses
By: r. klettke
There is a fundamental challenge to all medical malpractice lawsuits. After a medical malpractice attorney wins a case, those who are neither medical providers nor economists are asked to devise a fair financial outcome for the patient who is the victim of a serious medical error that has led to substantial loss.(read
entire article)
View : 345 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Personal Injury And Financial Malpractice
By: r. klettke
An accounting error can lead to devastating deficiency rulings by the IRS. Financial malpractice litigation is a means to recoup losses due to accounting negligence and malfeasance. When financial malpractice occurs, it is necessary to hire a personal injury attorney in order to try to recoup your losses along with damages.(read
entire article)
View : 391 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Dog Bites And The Law: Questions And Answers
By: r. klettke
We all know that dogs are man's best friend and it is true. But because of the sheer numbers of dogs sharing our homes and lives, the numbers of dog bites that occur and proportionately high. Dog bites can be very frightening and can cause both short and long-term physical and emotional injury.(read
entire article)
View : 378 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Spinal Cord Injury And Personal Injury Law
By: r. klettke
The law considers spinal injuries as serious or “catastrophic” injuries in terms of personal injury law. Personal injury attorneys – referred to also as “spine injury attorneys” – try these cases. In the even of a spine injury, immediately contact an experienced spine injury attorney with trial experience.(read
entire article)
View : 365 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Dog Bites And The Law: The California Statute Of Limitations
By: r. klettke
A dog bite is always unexpected and sometimes serious. If a dog bite leads to a serious injury, a dog bite lawyer should be contacted immediately. Children are the most frequent victims and often incur facial wounds, leading to extensive medical treatment and reconstructive surgery. In the case of adults who are victims, injuries from a dog attack might require medical care and therapy, and lead to permanent injuries, disability and lost time from work. Almost all victims suffer psychological trauma in the aftermath.(read
entire article)
View : 408 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Car Accidents, Cell Phones And Liability
By: r. klettke
Which driver do you think is more dangerous? A drunk driver, or a driver who is talking or texting on their cell phone? You may be surprised to learn what experienced personal injury lawyers who handle car accidents already know: a driver who is talking or texting on a cell phone can be just as distracted, and therefore just as dangerous as a drunk driver.(read
entire article)
View : 462 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Medical Malpractice And Wrong Site Surgery:causes And Solutions
By: r. klettke
The occurrence of wrong site surgery in the United States has been recently estimated to be higher than two thousand cases each year. Unfortunately, the definite number is unknown due to a lack of laws mandating submission of wrong site surgery data to any authority or central body. Statistics come mostly from the filing of medical malpractice lawsuits by personal injury lawyers who specialize in medical malpractice cases. Included in the general category of “Wrong Site Surgery” are incidents of wrong side, wrong procedure, and wrong patient surgeries.(read
entire article)
View : 382 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Dog Bites And The Legal Definition Of “bite”
By: r. klettke
The legal definition of a dog bite (California Penal Code Section 398) is when the animal causes the skin of the victim to be punctured or broken. In fact, particularly vicious dog bites can involve the tearing of muscle tissue, leave permanent scars and lasting emotional damage. Anyone who has experienced this is advised to retain the services of a personal injury attorney (and the dog owner should consider a personal injury defense attorney with animal attack experience).(read
entire article)
View : 403 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Car Accidents: Poor Road Design And Legal Liability
By: r. klettke
The way roads are designed may cause car accidents and poor road configuration can exacerbate the outcome of any vehicle accident. A large percentage of fatal car accidents are solo-vehicle accidents where the fatality might not have occurred if the road design had been different. Car accident attorneys who argue against unsafe road design for their clients at trial are challenged by sovereign immunity claims, as well as accident reconstruction details. Sovereign immunity generally conveys the notion that the department of government who designs, builds, and maintains the road in question is not considered to be at fault for any mishap from use of the roadway in question.(read
entire article)
View : 447 Times
Category : Investing / Finance