Here's the recent articles submitted by chris carter
Articles By chris carter
Office Furniture And Custom Design
Submitted as: Larry Tang
MAiSPACE believes that an office is more than a place to work. It’s the womb that nurtures ideas, promotes communication, and new generations of products and services. An office is more than a desk and credenza. It exudes our lifestyles, our work ethic and for many of us, it is our haven in the fast-paced world of productivity, profitability and shareholder equity.(read
entire article)
View : 244 Times
Category : Business
High Efficient Printing And Industrial Weighing Scales
Submitted as: John Tang
The printing business has evolved in many ways. During the last many decades, technology has changed the way that pages are prepared for printing from the days of setting type by hand to computerized page setup. Printing presses were first powered by hand, then by electric motors, and have now become sophisticated machines with pneumatic actuators, electronic controls, and data collection devices to monitor the entire process.(read
entire article)
View : 350 Times
Category : Business
Spectacular Modular Offices At $12 - $15 Per Square Foot Installed
Submitted as: Larry Tang
Look around and you will see technology wonders that not too many years ago were but dreams in the minds of the inventors. What is most amazing is the affordability of these products compared to price tags carried when they first came to market. Two examples are pocket calculators and cell phones – which in themselves have “merged†into a single unit for cutting-edge consumers. Efficient mass production of such products lowers the price while broadening the market.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Business
Recycling, Recycled Products And Benefits Of Industrial Electronic Weighing Scales
Submitted as: John Tang
In the current economic environment, it is critically important to reduce waste and improve efficiency. The cost of many raw materials, and the energy to convert these materials into usable products, has increased dramatically during the last few years. Various industrial metals, including steel, copper, and aluminum have seen particularly large increases in cost. Some of the more exotic materials, including platinum, silver and gold have been equally volatile. Even wood products and paper have also become more expensive. Those materials that are based on petroleum, including many plastics, have also been strongly affected.(read
entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Business
Forex Market Recent Developments
Submitted as: John Tang
In a world of national currencies, the forex (foreign exchange) market provides the mechanism for making payments across borders, transferring money (and thus purchasing power) from one currency to another and of course determining exchange rates.(read
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Business
Finding The Best Unsecured Commercial Loans
Submitted as: John Tang
At first thought, an unsecured business loan may seem impossible to get. It can really look difficult when you study some of the logistical issues that lenders consider.(read
entire article)
View : 268 Times
Category : Business
Made To Measure Reception Areas At Off The Rack Prices
Submitted as: Larry Tang
While there is some truth to the old saw that “you can’t judge a book by its cover,†another one says “there is no second first impression.â€
Contradictory? Perhaps so. “But how many of us in search of a product or service have looked at a potential vendor’s establishment and turned back because of an unattractive first impression?†asks Mark Bassil, co-founder and vice president of MAiSPACE, a Mt. Olive, NJ, based manufacturer of modular office furniture system(read
entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Business
Industrial Platform Scales; Mechanic Vs. Electronic
Submitted as: John Tang
Platform scales are probably the most common measurement devices found throughout industry. Every company that ships parts and materials will use a scale so that they can determine the weight of the package, and therefore the cost of transportation. Goods that are received by the company may be weighed on the scale to confirm that the proper amount has been received. Any time that a container is being fill is appropriate for using a platform scale. The weight of the container could be tared, and the net weight of the contents carefully measured. Where drums of material are being dispensed into a process, a scale would be used to provide an alarm when the drum was almost empty, and could also be used to monitor the usage of the material.(read
entire article)
View : 366 Times
Category : Computers
Cordless Workplace And The Office
Submitted as: Larry Tang
Clutter is your workspace's greatest enemy. There is nothing more distracting and even dangerous than a tangle of cords and all manner of other loosely place items and documents crowding your work area. Tackling with your clutter problems should be your number one priority. The first item on your list should be getting your computer cords and cables under control. But the question is how do you go cordless in your workplace?(read
entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Business
Digital Bench Scales And Used In Food, Packaging & Other Industries
Submitted as: John Tang
Many production lines use industrial bench scales for many different kinds of functions. They are used throughout the food industry for portion control. As a variety of pre-packaged meals are assembled, the scale can provide information to the worker that allows the correct amount of each course to be properly arranged. Packages being prepared for freezing or refrigeration must be weighed for accuracy. If too much product is filled, it could impact the profitability for the company. It is critical that enough product be packaged to meet labeling requirements.(read
entire article)
View : 359 Times
Category : Computers