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Articles By shea mejia

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Excel Family Dental - Care For Your Child's Teeth    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
Pediatric oral care has two main components: preventative care at the pediatric dentist's office and preventative care at home. Though infant and toddler caries (cavities) and tooth decay have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, a good dental strategy will eradicate the risk of both.(read entire article)
View : 418 Times
Category : General

Excel Family Dental - Dental Emergencies    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
Although dental injuries and dental emergencies are often distressing for both children and parents, they are also extremely common. Approximately one third of children have experienced some type of dental trauma, and more have experienced a dental emergency.(read entire article)
View : 500 Times
Category : Health

Excel Family Dental - Fluoride    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
Fluorine, a natural element in the fluoride compound, has proven to be effective in minimizing childhood cavities and tooth decay. Fluoride is a key ingredient in many popular brands of toothpaste, oral gel, and mouthwash, and can also be found in most community water supplies. Though fluoride is an important part of any good oral care routine, overconsumption can result in a condition known as fluorosis. The pediatric dentist is able to monitor fluoride levels, and check that children are receiving the appropriate amount.(read entire article)
View : 466 Times
Category : Health

Excel Family Dental - Good Diet    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
A child's general level of health often dictates his or her oral health, and vice versa. Therefore, supplying children with a well-balanced diet is more likely to lead to healthier teeth and gums. A good diet provides the child with the many different nutrients he or she needs to grow. These nutrients are necessary for gum tissue development, strong bones, and to protect the child against certain illnesses.(read entire article)
View : 504 Times
Category : Health

How Often Should Children Have Dental Checkups?    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD) advises parents to make biannual dental appointments for children, beginning approximately six months after the first tooth emerges.(read entire article)
View : 482 Times
Category : Health

Excel Family Dental - How To Prevent Cavities    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
Childhood cavities, also known as childhood tooth decay and childhood caries, are common in children all over the world. There are two main causes of cavities: poor dental hygiene and sugary diets. Cavities can be incredibly painful, often leading to tooth decay and childhood periodontitis if left untreated. Ensuring that children eat a balanced diet, embarking on a sound home oral care routine, and visiting the pediatric dentist biannually, are all crucial factors for both cavity prevention and excellent oral health.(read entire article)
View : 493 Times
Category : Health

Pacifiers And Thumb Sucking By Excel Family Dental    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
For most infants, the sucking of thumbs and pacifiers is a happy, everyday part of life. Since sucking is a natural, instinctual baby habit, infants derive a sense of comfort, relaxation, and security from using a thumb or pacifier as a sucking aid.(read entire article)
View : 473 Times
Category : Health

Excel Family Dental - Perinatal And Infant Oral Health    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
Pregnancy is an exciting time. It is also a crucially important time for the unborn child's oral and overall health. The “perinatal” period begins approximately 20-28 weeks into the pregnancy, and ends 1-4 weeks after the infant is born. With so much to do to prepare for the new arrival, a dental checkup is often the last thing on an expectant mother's mind.(read entire article)
View : 481 Times
Category : Health

Excel Family Dental - Sealing Out Tooth Decay    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
Tooth decay has become increasingly prevalent in preschoolers. Not only is tooth decay unpleasant and painful, it can also lead to more serious problems like premature tooth loss and childhood periodontal disease. Dental sealants are an important tool in preventing childhood caries (cavities) and tooth decay. Especially when used in combination with other preventative measures, like biannual checkups and an excellent daily home care routine, sealants can bolster the mouth's natural defenses, and keep smiles healthy.(read entire article)
View : 531 Times
Category : Health

Excel Family Dental - Sealing Out Tooth Decay    Submitted as: Heidi Huang
Tooth decay has become increasingly prevalent in preschoolers. Not only is tooth decay unpleasant and painful, it can also lead to more serious problems like premature tooth loss and childhood periodontal disease.(read entire article)
View : 484 Times
Category : Health

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