Here's the recent articles submitted by christopher t. mccarthy
Articles By christopher t. mccarthy
How To Help Your Anxious Child - Setting The Right Expectations
Submitted as: David Russ, Ph.D.
Anxiety is always far more complicated than it seems. You can not think of it like normal worry or fear. Parenting a child that suffers from anxiety disorders is hard. Setting the right expectations will help you along the way.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Family
Help Your Anxious Child
Submitted as: David Russ, Ph.D.
One of the most powerful and well researched techniques for treating child anxiety is also one that may be most neglected. It is deep relaxation and abdominal breathing.(read
entire article)
View : 155 Times
Category : Family
Anxiety And The War Of The Worlds
Submitted as: David Russ, Ph.D.
Anxiety can seem like an invader. It can just drop out of the sky and seem like something unreal, something that seems so improbable you never gave it any thought. Usually we have the sense that our thoughts and emotions operate according to expected and familiar rules. There is a fundamental, albeit imperfect, correspondence between what is inside of us with the world outside us.(read
entire article)
View : 116 Times
Category : Family
What To Do If Your Anxious Child Resists Help
Submitted as: David Russ, Ph.D.
Why would someone fight getting help? Seems puzzling doesn't it? What would cause a child to push back instead of jump at the chance to get free of fear? Your child may even resist talking about anxiety at times. The more you understand this the easier it is to get past your child's resistance and on to freedom.(read
entire article)
View : 90 Times
Category : Family
Fear Of Panic And Anxiety Attacks
Submitted as: David Russ, Ph.D.
There are three aspects of any anxiety attack problem. When it comes to panic these three aspects are: 1) Physical, an intense fear reaction with dramatic symptoms, 2) Mental, thoughts and beliefs that reinforce the fear reaction, and 3) Actions, behavior to escape and avoid anything that might evoke panic.(read
entire article)
View : 108 Times
Category : Family
Normal Childhood Fear Or An Anxiety Disorder?
Submitted as: David Russ, Ph.D.
Everyone goes through a series of developmental stages throughout their entire lifespan. Characteristic of childhood development are certain kinds of fears that any child is likely to experience and are part of a normal developmental process. Children grow out of these fears as they mature unless for some reason they become problematic.(read
entire article)
View : 106 Times
Category : Family
When Depressed, Discontent And Suicidal, Seek Life!
By: christopher t. mccarthy
Life and death are the energies that ebb and flow within our lives. A healthy person focuses on creating an abundance of life and minimizes the forces of death that sap their life energy. The fruits of life are love, joy, creativity, passion, movement, peace, community, and an outward focus to name a few. Some fruits of death are boredom, fatigue, anxiety, depression, addiction, lethargy, busyness without purpose, and a focus on self. We grow weary because of the death the reigns within us, our body, mind, and soul. We need more life!(read
entire article)
View : 87 Times
Category : Family
Anxiety And Parental Response
By: christopher t. mccarthy
Four parenting beliefs have been shown to damage the parent/child bond and increase child anxiety and depression. Recognize the four beliefs and the damaging parental responses associated with them. Examples are given from the clinical experience of a professional counselor. Three parenting tips are offered along with a recommended resource for children with anxiety.(read
entire article)
View : 99 Times
Category : Family
Tell Fear To Take A Hike
By: christopher t. mccarthy
5 Strategies to Help Anxious Children Embrace Summer Activities.
It's that time of year again. School is out and kids are bursting ahead to discover the joys and adventures of summer. But for some anticipation is clouded by anxiety.(read
entire article)
View : 91 Times
Category : Family
Child Anxiety And Parental Response
By: christopher t. mccarthy
Four parenting beliefs have been shown to damage the parent/child bond and increase child anxiety and depression. Recognize the four beliefs and the damaging parental responses associated with them.(read
entire article)
View : 135 Times
Category : Family